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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

A little catching up to do

I have a little bit of catching up to do because I'm already about a month into my new year's resolution of lowering my footprint in 2008 and I haven't blogged any of January at all. I'll get to those projects and pictures as soon as I can. But better to get started now.

So here's the deal: I've decided to make reducing my footprint a serious part of my life in 2008. I can't say I will be the model eco-citizen or anything, but I am going to do some interesting things, make some interesting changes and mistakes, and maybe learn a few things along the way. I know a lot of die-hards or armchair critics will take issue with some of the choices I make, but my goal is not to satisfy them or hold myself up as the gold standard. I plan to make as many positive changes as I can without unnecessarily changing my lifestyle. Another way of saying that is that I plan to make incremental, sustainable changes, not changes that will be like fads or diets, here today and gone tomorrow.

I also have a little catching up to do in general. I have a typical, heavy consumer lifestyle and I realize how far I have to go. So, until I muster the courage to live in a yurt and grow my own food and clothes, this will be record of my efforts.

1 comment:

arleigh42 said...

Inspirational! (I'd love to see you grow your own clothes, though... if only for personal entertainment!!) :)