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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Update: Pop Can Solar Furnace

It's a bright sunny day in Halifax, so the pop can solar furnace is working at full tilt.

The temperature in the solarium is over 25C and the spill over has boosted the dining room to 21.8C. Since warm air rises, the upstairs of the house is 20.6C. This would be further enhanced by a fan, but it's pretty good for just passive. Free heat!

For comparison, the current outdoor temperature is 4C.


Brave New Leaf said...

That's truly amazing! I just may have to try it...


Unknown said...

Let me know if you do! My second version will probably be made later this week!

DaveB said...

Mateo - have you considered passive solar for cooling purposes during the summer? Not that Halifax gets that warm but...

Unknown said...

Dave: I have looked at some plans, but the solarium is not currently vented, and it would only be venting the main floor and basement, not the ever too hot upstairs. Worth looking into more though.