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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Earth Hour 2010 Is Done!

MacKay Bridge
Earth Hour 2010 went by a lot faster than previous years. I was disappointed to see only one of my immediate neighbours participating, but I guess that means my example might have been noticed.

As usual, we turned off the power for the entire house by flipping off the main breaker. We then lit a fire and settled in to play a board game by solar lights. It actually felt a bit like cheating as there are quite a number of solar lights in the house now and it was quite bright!

MacKay Bridge without lights
Unlike previous years, I wanted to capture a few photographs from around the city during Earth Hour. I'll post a little later about the corporate "winners" and "losers" from the local vicinity, but for now, have a look at the MacKay Bridge without lights. The second photo is much more indicative of the effect, but the first is just a nicer photo. Realize that both are time delay photos, otherwise they would simply be black.

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