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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Energy Star Ratings

I went to a presentation today as part of Dalhousie's Green Week on Energuide Audits and Energy Star ratings. It was sparsely attended, but it was good fun. The presenter was from Conserve NS and I have to say, the small group of us that were there were definitely keeners. As a result, we got to share some of our experiences measuring electricity usage and cutting back on water. Good to know I'm on the right track.

Other quick notes:
  • New visitors to the blog from Alaska, The Netherlands, Sudan, and Pakistan. Welcome all! Still waiting on Nevada. Invite someone you know in Vegas to pay us a visit!
  • Have you subscribed yet? Click the subscribe link at the bottom of this page.
  • Many new people at the Facebook group. C'mon over and chat!
  • Lights out Challenge at Risley Hall today. Couldn't find a switch for the lobby lights though!

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